divorce rate in indiana 2009

Indiana counties among top 50 on divorce rate : Evansville Courier.
Products - National Vital Statistics Report - Volume 58 Number 3.
Births, Marriages, Divorces, and Deaths: Provisional Data for 2009.
Births, Deaths, Marriages, & Divorces: Marriages and Divorces. Reaching Stated Anniversary, by Sex and Years of Marriage: 2009 [Excel 32k] | [PDF 56k]. 133 - Marriages and Divorces--Number and Rate by State [Excel 60k] | [PDF 70k].

What's Indiana's divorce rate? Nobody knows - South Bend Tribune.
Jul 24, 2012. The absolute number of divorces was 872,000. This 2010 number and rate do not include any data for California, Georgia, Hawaii, Indiana.
The rate of divorce in America is high and it has even reported by various organizations that the rate is 50 To be more precise. The overall rate of divorce in America in 2009 for men is 9.2 and the same for women is 9.7.. Indiana, 11, 10.7.
The American divorce rate today is nearly twice that of 1960, but has declined. 57:19, July 29, 2009, Table 2 (www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/nvsr/nvsr57/nvsr57_19.pdf );. Indiana, Louisiana and Minnesota using the Current Population Surveys.
Sep 24, 2009. A mostly rural county in eastern Indiana tops the nation in the percentage. 9, 2009, file photo Kian Lee, right, and his bride Maya Ong, both from. “During poor economic times, your divorce rate always increases,” she said.
divorce rate in indiana 2009
Rural Indiana county inexplicably tops nation in divorce rate | NOLA.Cultural Sociology of Divorce: An Encyclopedia - Google Books Result.
NVSS - National Marriage and Divorce Rate Trends.
Jul 24, 2012. The absolute number of divorces was 872,000. This 2010 number and rate do not include any data for California, Georgia, Hawaii, Indiana.